Out with the old and in with the new.
Crayon Candles
With so many different colors in your average crayon box, you can have fun mixing and matching them to make different color patterns.
Adventures in Making / Via adventures-in-making.com
Melted Crayon Ornaments
The perfect way to get your kids involved in the process of decorating the Christmas tree.
One Cup at a Time / Via onecupatatimeblog.wordpress.com
Crayon Play Dough
Safe for the kids to play with and a lot cheaper than the store bought Play-Doh.
Sugar Aunts / Via sugaraunts.com
Homemade Crayons
They make a great gift or party favor. These are also fun to have around the house. It's the perfect project to for broken, hard-to-use crayons.
My Frugal Adventures / Via myfrugaladventures.com